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  • How do your heat categories work?
    They scale is designated by the color highlighted peppers on the label. One pepper is very mild while 5 peppers is very hot, along the lines of Carolina Reapers or Dragons Breath peppers.
  • What exactly is fermentation and why is it beneficial?
    Fermentation is an ancient way of preserving foods by the breaking down of carbohydrates like starch and sugars by beneficial microorganisms. Fermentation creates an abundance of tasty food items like beer and wine, to yogurt, cottage cheese, kombucha, kimchi, and yes, fermented pepper mash. In the case of lactic acid fermented foods (like fermented pepper mash) this lowering of pH, creates an acetic environment which harmful bacteria that cause food born illness find hostile making it safe for extended periods of time.
  • What are your hottest and mildest hot sauces?
    Currently our hottest TLB sauce is Reaper's Breath and the mildest is the Original.
  • What is Fermented Pepper Mash?
    Fermented Pepper Mash is peppers, and usually salt, that have been fermented for flavor and preservation.
  • Why does TLB hot sauce separate, occasionally requiring shaking before using?
    TLB hot sauces are made with all natural ingredients with no artificial preservatives, or emulsifiers, The result is a wonderful tasting hot sauce which may separate if not used daily.
  • Do I have to store TLB in the refrigerator?
    TLB hot sauces are shelf stable and do not require refrigeration but you certainly wont hurt it by storing in the fridge. Refrigeration after opening may help maintain flavor if kept for an inordinate amount of time.
  • Why use aged fermented pepper mash?
    You can create pepper mash by simply adding an acid (typically vinegar) to lower the pH to preserve it. However, the process of fermentation and ageing provides a depth of flavor that cannot be achieved by simple acidification.
  • What is the shelf life of TLB hot sauce?
    The vinegar and capsaicin (heat element of peppers) are natural preservatives and TLB has a very long shelf life. There is a Best by date, but rest assured, TLB is safe to consume well beyond that date.
  • Why is there a fish allergen in most of your hot sauces?
    The fish allergen comes from the Worcestershire Sauce used, an important flavor attribute to the TLB line of hot sauces.
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